Shipping Information

Available Shipping Methods

UPS Ground

Ships To Domestic: All states

Unique UPS world Ship

This is a live shipping method, the price will be calculated via the web services provided by the carrier.

USPS Parcel Select Ground

Ships To Domestic: All states

This is a live shipping method, the price will be calculated via the web services provided by the carrier.

USPS Ground Advantage

Ships To Domestic: All states

This is a live shipping method, the price will be calculated via the web services provided by the carrier.

Pickup (Lansing, MI)

Ships To Domestic: Michigan

Select this option to pick order at our location. 4722 W. Grand River, Lansing, MI 48906

Price Breakdowns

All Products 
- calculated by quantity

Handling Fee: $0 USD

From (Items) To (Items) Price
1.0 infinity $0 USD

Standard United States Postal Service

Ships To Domestic: All states

Choose this option to have your order delivered to your mailbox via the United States Postal Service.

Price Breakdowns

All Products 
- calculated by weight

Handling Fee: $1 USD

From (lb) To (lb) Price
0.01 0.94 $7.95 USD
0.95 1.84 $9.45 USD
1.85 2.94 $10.49 USD
2.95 3.99 $10.95 USD
4.0 7.99 $11.45 USD
8.0 14.99 $16.95 USD
15.0 19.98 $20.99 USD
19.99 19.99 $22 USD
20.0 infinity $23.95 USD
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